A downloadable game for Windows

Made by 2 people as part of the BIGMODE Game Jam 2023!

REALM SHIFTER is a first-person shooter where the player must use their ability to change modes which switches between two separate realms. The player is given a variety of guns that also have different rarities making them more powerful, they must utilize their weapons and dash ability in each realm to eliminate the enemies that reside there in order to progress to the next stage. Each room that is cleared will grant the player the upgrades of their choosing. The game will last as long as the player can survive.


  • Controls: 
  • WASD - Move 
  • Left Click - Shoot 
  • Right Click - Change Modes 
  • Shift - Dash 
  • E - Interact 
  • 1 / 2 / Mouse Wheel - Change Guns 



  • Currently your guns don't auto-equip when you change levels, so you have to pick them back up each time (annoying I know). 
  • Also, we ran out of time and didn't make a lot of the sound effects so the game sounds very barren. You have been warned! 
  • Let us know what gun was your fav!
  • If you manage to beat my personal best of 11 Rooms comment on your final score to make it into the REALM OF FAME! 


Made By Curtis Chapman and Drake Bennett

Thanks for playing our game!!!


RealmShifter.zip 386 MB


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Please add some graphics settings.


Fun experience, even if I sucked at it haha! Loved shifting and using the shifts to my advantage to get the jump on foes. It is a clever game and going to play more on my own time off recording. Keep up the amazing work and left a follow! (your game starts at 6:51 in the video)

Awesome video man! Thanks for featuring our game

Thank you so much for reviewing our game we really appreciate it! 


Just a heads up! I'm getting an error when trying to open the game. Super bummed, I really want to shoot things.

The error:

"Failed to open descriptor file ../../../Desktop/Bigmode_Game_Jam.uproject"

Thanks for the heads up will try and fix it now!

We've patched it and it should work now!!

I WILL PLAY IT! Thanks for fixing!

Thanks for playing!!

Guess Im the first to comment

Hey there is something wrong rhis message keeps popping up 

Failed to open descriptor file ../../../Downloads/Bigmode_Game_Jam.uproject


So sorry will have a look and try to fix it!


We have patched the error and it should be all good to boot it up this time!

Will there be any Settings maybe in the future?


Definitely, we are gonna take a break over the Christmas period and then come back to it and fix up some of the issues!